Monday, January 31, 2022

Getting Started with Microsoft Sway

Contributed by Jenni Willis-Opalenik, Director - Technology Learning Services

One software application gaining much "buzz" during Faculty Development Week 2022 is Microsoft Sway. Based on faculty feedback, our Support Center staff is planning to offer Sway training in the near future, In addition, instructional designer Jane Nguyen is creating video tutorials that include how faculty might use Sway to create the interactive syllabi discussed in her recent presentation.

While we await both of those support options, I wanted to provide any "do it yourselfers" out there with some information about how you can learn more about, and get started with, Microsoft Sway:

As you may already know, the IDT team moved to Sway for our weekly newsletters in late 2021. We look forward to sharing more information with you about our lessons learned in the near future!