Monday, January 31, 2022

Food for Thought - Blogs and Other Resources

Curated for our readers this week are several blog posts that may be of interest:
  • 6 Tips For Asynchronous Teaching From An Award-Winning Educator - University of Vermont professor Susan Whitman shares her advice for designing and developing asynchronous classes.
  • Authentic and Effective: Rescuing Video from Its Role as the Villain of Online Learning - EDUCAUSE contributor Erin Crisp discusses that, "Video for learning has gotten a bad rap lately, but thoughtful changes and a better understanding of the subtleties of online learning can help instructional video rehab its image."
  • "Never Going Back" Blog Series - Vanderbilt University "graduate teaching fellow Mohammad Meerzaei interviewed faculty members from across the campus asking one provocative question: How did this period of adaptive teaching make them better instructors? In this blog series titled “Never Going Back,” instructors reflect on their experiences teaching during this challenging year and share new teaching practices and beliefs about teaching that they will carry into their post-pandemic teaching."