Monday, February 21, 2022

What are Blackboard Achievement Badges and Certificates?

Blackboard’s Achievement tool enables instructors to create badges and certificates that students earn for completing specific assignments or milestones within a course. For example, the IDT team’s Student Blackboard Training course automatically generates a certificate when a student successfully completes all five required quizzes.

As described on Blackboard’s support site, "The Achievements tool in Blackboard Learn allows instructors and course designers to define criteria for issuing rewards to students in the form of both Badges and Certificates. Students can see which rewards they've earned and what is required of them to receive additional rewards, providing insight into learning progression toward defined competencies. Instructors can easily see which students have reached learning milestones." To learn more about Achievements, use the hyperlink below. NOTE: The video from Blackboard states that Achievements can be shared via the Mozilla Backpack system; however, that service was deactivated by Mozilla in 2019.

Blackboard Learn Quick Hit Video – Achievements

To learn how to create badges or certificates in the Achievements tool, visit Blackboard’s support page, Create and Manage Achievements.

For more information about how Achievements may benefit you and your students, please contact the Support Center to request a consultation with one of our Instructional Designers (IDs).