Monday, January 24, 2022

Upcoming 2020 Zoom-to-Echo360 Video Migrations

As more faculty embrace the use of Zoom to record and deploy lecture recordings, video tutorials, and virtual class meetings, UHCL's available Zoom cloud storage is nearing capacity. To avoid incurring substantial costs associated with more storage, the IDT team is beginning an effort to reduce Zoom cloud storage by helping 186 faculty and staff members cull and/or migrate the nearly 4300 Zoom video recordings from the 2020 calendar year into Echo360 for long-term storage. We expect to send initial email inquiries to faculty/staff with 2020 videos stored in the Zoom cloud early next week, and we would greatly appreciate everyone's cooperation in this effort so that we can make temporary storage space available for SP22 recordings.

Beginning in 2021, we integrated our Zoom and Echo360 environments. As a result, if you have activated your Echo360 account and you elect to have your Zoom recordings "save to the cloud," they will be saved both temporarily in Zoom and in your Echo360 Library for long-term storage and deployment. Our team will then periodically identify Zoom cloud recordings that also exist in Echo360 and remove those from Zoom storage. Faculty and staff are advised to consider Zoom cloud storage as a temporary holding space for video recordings, with Echo360 as the tool for long-term storage, retrieval, and sharing.

For more information about the transfer process for 2020 Zoom cloud recordings, or to learn more about the Echo360 video storage environment, please contact the Support Center to have your inquiry sent to a member of our Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) team.