Thursday, December 2, 2021

What's the Buzz About HyFlex Instruction?

HyFlex instruction is a concept that has received a lot of attention during the last year, especially given the pivot to online teaching and learning. What is HyFlex? EDUCAUSE (2020) describes HyFlex as, "an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide—for each class or activity—how to participate." What sets HyFlex apart from similar, hybrid/blended instructional models is the provision of student choice in how they engage with the course each week, session, etc. Although not ideal for all courses, programs, instructors, or students, the HyFlex model has proven effective in a number of institutions and specific programs throughout the country.

Resources - To learn more about HyFlex, please consider reviewing the following resources: