For this week's faculty support resources, we're focusing on another article from EDUCAUSE in which the authors describe the distinctions between emergency remote teaching and online learning at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic reflect on the past year-plus and where we are now. Please use the hyperlink in the reference information below to access this resource.
Moore, S., Trust, T., Lockee, B. B., Bond, M. A., & Hodges, C. B. (2021, November 10). One year later . . . and counting: Reflections on emergency remote teaching and online learning. EDUCAUSE Review. Retrieved November 22, 2021.
Often mistakenly characterized as "the Blackboard people," the members of UCT's Instructional Design and Technology team of...
The UHCL Course Support and Development Team urges all users of SafeAssign to read the article below, created from Blackboard. In sho...
Contributed by Henry Newkirk, Instructional Designer II (HSH) What is a rubric? A Canvas rubric is an assessment tool used in the learning m...