Sunday, August 15, 2021

Zoom Recording Planned Deletions

As we have explained in previous semesters, the university's license for Zoom does not include unlimited cloud storage for recorded meetings. As we begin the FA21 term, UHCL has used 82% of our licensed cloud storage and we expect to see a rapid increase in recorded meetings early in the new semester. Please be aware of the following tips and reminders for recording Zoom recordings and long-term storage:

  • If you plan to save recorded Zoom meetings beyond the semester in which you record them, please make sure to activate your UHCL Echo360 account and set your Zoom meetings to record to the cloud. If both these conditions are met, your Zoom recordings will be saved in the Zoom cloud (temporarily) and your Echo360 library (long-term storage).
  • Beginning in FA21, the IDT team began regularly notifying faculty with recorded Zoom meetings in both locations that we intend to delete recorded sessions from the Zoom cloud since they will remain in Echo360 storage indefinitely.
  • Faculty who have not activated their UHCL Echo360 account and who own recorded Zoom meetings saved in the Zoom cloud should take steps to move those from Zoom to a long-term storage solution. Our IDT team can provide instructions and training on downloading MP4 video files from Zoom to your computer, activating your Echo360 account, uploading the videos to your Echo360 library, and then deleting the recordings from Zoom. Other options are available, including downloading from Zoom and uploading to YouTube or simply downloading recordings and saving them on your own external drive. However, OIT can only provide full support for Zoom cloud-to-Echo360 video migrations.