Monday, May 6, 2019

Tools for Creating Videos for Blackboard

As more faculty embrace the use of user-created videos in their Blackboard courses, our team has updated our resources and support documentation to help instructors select and use the tool(s) that best suit their needs. Please review the following new and/or updated handouts on supported video solutions at UHCL:

If you would like you students to record and share video presentations, either as individuals or in small groups, you may want to set up a Collaborate space for those sessions and then provide your students with the following document:

If you have any questions about these options, or about how to best use video in your Blackboard courses, please contact the Support Center or your designated instruction designer. In addition, once you create a video, please do not directly upload the MP4 using the File tool in Blackboard. Doing so may impair the performance of your course and of the Blackboard system as a whole. Either deploy your video as a link from an online source (e.g., YouTube), or contact your instructional designer for assistance with deploying your video(s) from the university's streaming media server.