While there are a lot of similarities and differences that we will all be experiencing with the Canvas transition in the upcoming months, I want to start by discussing basic terminology. In many ways, the Canvas interface is very user-friendly, and because we all are familiar with Blackboard, it is even more so as they do look very similar. With that being said, some things may look familiar, but are called something different. This can make it confusing at times when you start to practice with the new system. Below I have included commonly used terms from Canvas and their most similar counterpart from Blackboard with explanations of similarities and differences between the two. Hopefully as we begin to navigate Canvas, this can be a resource to use to help clear up some of the confusion!
There are plenty of other aspects in Canvas and Blackboard that are similar and different, but understanding the terminology can be a great first step in making the transition. If you would like a video that shows visuals of these 10 terms and a brief explanation of each, click here. As we move forward, please do not hesitate to come back to this list often and use it as you start to explore the new system.