In 2021, the IDT team enabled transcripts and captioning for videos created in and uploaded to Echo360. However, many users are unaware of these services. This week, we'll reintroduce Echo360 transcripts. As described on Echo360’s support post, Viewing Media Transcripts, “Viewing the text of the speech along with the video/audio can help reinforce understanding and retention of the material. In addition, the transcript can be searched to find specific locations in the media to review, and can be downloaded to augment your study materials.” Echo360 also enables faculty to readily review and edit automatically generated transcripts.
When a transcript is available, a transcript icon will appear below the video for the viewer. IMPORTANT! Faculty will NOT see the icon in their Instructor view within Echo360. However, you will see a link to edit the transcript. When the transcript icon is clicked, a transcript window will appear along side the video and the text for the audio track will be highlighted in the transcript as the video plays.
For more information about transcripts, please use the links in this article to review Echo360's help resources. You can also always contact the Support Center and request assistance from OIT's IDT team
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