Thursday, December 2, 2021

Understanding and Using Blackboard Wikis

Among Blackboard's available interactive tools, the least used is the Wiki. However, the Wiki feature can be an excellent tool when you want to promote collaborative work across your whole class or within groups. As described on Blackboard's Wiki help page, "Wikis allow course members to contribute and modify one or more pages of course-related materials and provide a means of sharing and collaboration. Course members can create and edit pages quickly, and track changes and additions, which allows for effective collaboration between multiple writers." Activities and assignments that might benefit from using Wikis include: 
  • Collaborative writing projects or presentations; 
  • Class-created glossary or knowledge base about key concepts, vocabulary, etc. in the course.
  • Group or whole-class collaborations to solve complex problems. 
Feel free to review the resources below for more information about Wikis to determine whether they are a good fit for your instructional needs. 
